Black and black 2 pokemon memory link on mac emulator desmume

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The lower seed is advanced as follows, if observed as a standalone 32 bit number: Lua sucks and only allows 16 bit multiplication, so 32 bit multiplication can't be used S frame detection function works off of seeing how many times the lower half was advanced Setup initial variables, rest of script detection will take care of them Local rshift, lshift=bit.rshift, bit.lshift Local bnd,br,,bit.bor,bit.bxor Setup Terminology abbreviations from FractalFusion

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Local research=0 - 0 on, 1 off only enable for dev features (unneeded) Local trackcgear=0 - 0 on, 1 off disable for Standard Abuse, enable for Entralink Abuse

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Local pos_m=0x0224F92C-0x20*game - Map Position -> XYZ Local mac=0x123456 - MAC Address of Emulator Local mtrng=0x021FED68-0x20*game - Mersenne Twister Table Top Local rng=0x021FFC58-0x20*game - PRNG Seed Location General Parameters for current game and setup (english)